
namename ageage pronounspronouns locationlocation
birthdaybday mbtimbti star signstar sign occupationalive


This is where you put your description text! You can make this as long as you want, if it overflows a scrollbar appears automatically. This page was my first ever finished code, but I figured it needed a revamp so I wouldn't have to feel ashamed about it anymore. Now it's shaped like a book. Yay!

I hope you enjoy what I've put together! It was a fun exercise and it's always nice to revisit old codes. I actually coded this while I was on a train because I didn't really have anything better to do, haha.

  • This is what
  • A list looks like
  1. Or it looks like this
  2. If you want numbers

Maybe you want some bold text though? Or italic text? Maybe a little underline if you're feeling fancy

This is what a link looks like by the way! I hope you like it ^^ Also, please be sure to put your paragraphs in a <p> </p>. It'll look like this if you do, which I think/hope is what you want?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elementum dui at eleifend facilisis. Praesent magna magna, eleifend non iaculis at, consectetur ut felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris porttitor magna mollis, ullamcorper enim convallis, pulvinar ipsum. Phasellus aliquam velit ante, nec tempus felis fermentum vitae. Aenean euismod iaculis dignissim. Proin id accumsan erat. Nulla consectetur diam nibh, a blandit nibh pulvinar eu. Nulla leo magna, blandit a dolor ac, fringilla porta eros. Etiam dignissim dui et sapien interdum, sit amet sollicitudin ligula lobortis.