
  • Talà
  • adult, they/she/he
  • tme lesbian, nonbinary
  • horror, villains, reading novels, white peaches and fuyu persimmons
  • elitists, posers, pigeon haters
  • biography

    I am filipino american who posts too much on the internet. I have five million blogs but I linked my favorite ones down below. I love villains and horror. One time I read 343 in a single years. I'm insane I mean neurodivergent. I burned down a small shack when I was 16. I survived a bus crash. I own several teeth. My bones are too strong to break. One time I quit drinking coffee and the coffee had Talà withdrawals. Sometimes I make gifs. Please do not repost them to other sites or blogs. icon by Leah Gardner Palestine will be free. Don't call me qu**r or cute.

    I block liberally. Bad vibes = Good byes. I do not want nsfw only blog interaction. Meaning please don't reblog me to your porn blogs. Minors are welcome to interact. If your blog is privated [Follow Request only] I will block / softblock.

    please don't be racist at me. I just want to exist on the internet.

    I want to...

  • finish watching to my backlog of movies.
  • read 300 books this year.
  • finish listening to my backlog of podcast
  • I try to post about once a day